
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Carlos Pérez” ,找到相关结果约299914条。
Presencia de Renilla octodentata Zamponi y Pérez, 1995 (Cnidaria, Pennatulacea, Renillidae) en la Bahía de Valparaíso (33oS-72oW)
Pérez,Carlos Daniel;
Investigaciones marinas , 1996, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-71781996002400012
Abstract: one specimen from collections of argentine museum of natural sciences "bernardino rivadavia" was analized, belonging to the renillidae family. it was renilla octodentata found in valparaíso bay, chile, and it constitute the first record for pacific ocean. apparently the chilean specimen is bigger and more heavy than the atlantic's organisms.
El TDAH en la Práctica Clínica Psicológica
Mas Pérez,Carlos;
Clínica y Salud , 2009,
Abstract: this paper addresses the practice of clinical management of the adhd syndrome. starting from the historical and conceptual contextualization of the syndrome, controversial issues concerning sources, forms and reasons for referral, diagnostic requirements including the problem of over-diagnosis, and strategies for treatment are discussed.
Primeiro registro de Leptogorgia punicea (Milne-Edwards & Haime) (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) para o Estado do Maranh?o, Brasil
Pérez, Carlos D.;
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-81752005000300046
Abstract: a small colony of leptogorgia punicea (milne-edwards & haime, 1857) was sampled in the intertidal zone of marcela beach. this sample represents the first record from maranh?o state, making continuous the distribution of this species along the western american coast.
Manejo quirúrgico del cáncer de pulmón. Hechos y algunas reflexiones
Ibarra Pérez, Carlos;
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias , 2006,
Abstract: stage i and ii non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) should be resected, but there is mounting evidence for the use of preoperative induction and postoperative adjuvant therapy in stages ib and ii, as being able to prolong life. some patients in stage iiia should undergo induction therapy, and then have re-staging of the mediastinum by ct/pet or redo mediastinoscopy before considering resection. stages iiib and iv are non-surgical, except very selected cases. reflections are made regarding the control of cigarette smoking, the difficult access of patients from developing countries to the recent costly medical, pharmacological and technical advances; reflections are also made related to some ethical issues regarding medical and surgical treatment of nsclc.
Fondos acústicos de la región nororiental de Cuba
Barceló Pérez,Carlos;
Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiolog?-a , 2001,
Abstract: the sonority, the audible energy fraction, the stability of the sound level and the spectra of the pecentage constant bandwidth of noise sources characteristic of geomorphologic regions in the northeastern zone of cuba were studied aimed at describing their acoustic backgrounds and to contribute to the microlocalization of human settlements of the projects under way. the method used was based on the determinations of summary measures at the stable sound levels and on the spectra of set points linked to different geomorphologic regions. the lowest levels of sonority and audibility corresponded to the least anthropical landscapes, which were the most forested and depressed by the relief, found in the high forestal zones of topographic complexity. it was observed a linear dependency between the parameters of the environment, in terms of height and metereology, and those of the sound of acoustic background. the sound spectra of the families of sources oscillated, but their trend proved to be esentially of 2 types: spectrally flat (white sound: fluvial waters, litorals and forests) and spectrally exponential (rose sound: high forests and pasturelands, anthropic noise). energy decreased with the frequency. the physical parameters of the sound contrasted selective and significantly in 8 studied geomorphologic regions in the northeastern zone of cuba. the urban, industrial and transportation sources marked acoustic singularities of the territory.
Estudios de bioequivalencia Bioequivalence studies
Carlos Pérez C
Revista chilena de infectología , 2003,
Antimicrobianos en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos: Uso empírico Antimicrobial agents in Intensive Care Units: Empirical use
Carlos Pérez C
Revista chilena de infectología , 2003,
Abstract: Las infecciones son causa importante de mortalidad en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. Actualmente predominan en Chile las causadas por cocáceas Gram positivas (Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina, Staphylococcus coagulasa negativa y Enterococcus resistente a vancomicina) y en segundo lugar bacilos Gram negativos multiresistentes (Klebsiella pneumoniae). Una indicación antimicrobiana tardía o errada eleva significativamente la letalidad de las infecciones en estas condiciones. La introducción de métodos automatizados de hemocultivos y de técnicas de rápida identificación microbiana permiten emplear antimicrobianos de amplio espectro en una indicación empírica inicial y efectuar rápidos ajustes terapéuticos adecuados a cada situación. Se revisan someramente las bondades y limitaciones de nuevos antimicrobianos potencialmente útiles en estas situaciones: cefepime, carbapenems, nuevas quinolonas, pristinamicina, teicoplanina y linezolid. La indicación de antimicrobianos debe fundamentarse en la epidemiología local de resistencia en las infecciones de origen nosocomial Infections are a main cause of mortality in the Intensive Care Units. At the present moment in Chile there is a predominance of Gram positive species (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase negative Staphylococci and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus) and multiresistant Gram negative rods (Klebsiella pneumoniae). A late or incorrect prescription of antibiotics enhances significantly the mortality of these infectious episodes. The introduction of automated blood culture and of rapid identification methods allows the indication of broad spectrum antimicrobial agents as initial empirical prescription making adequate and prompt adjustments for each patient. We summarize the advantages and limitations of new drugs potencially active against these multiresistant isolates: cefepime, carbapenems, the new quinolones, pristinamycin, teicoplanin and linezolid. The prescription of antibiotics must be based in the local epidemiology of nosocomial infections and its pattern of resistance
Medición de niveles plasmáticos MEASUREMENT OF PLASMATIC LEVELS
Revista chilena de infectología , 2002,
Manejo ambulatorio de infecciones severas en el paciente adulto OUTPATIENT ATTENDANCE OF SEVERE INFECTIONS IN THE ADULT PATIENT
Revista chilena de infectología , 2002,
Profilaxis antimicrobiana: Tuberculosis Tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis
Revista chilena de infectología , 2004,

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